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We are Melior

"The belief that the world gets better;
the belief that humans can make the world better."

With that idea ringing in our head, we created a shopping experience that allows you to live more sustainably, without sacrificing quality or style.  Researching, and sourcing eco-friendly solutions takes a lot of time and It often means you are shopping from multiple places online to get clean, non-toxic, sustainable goods - let us take care of that work for you.  At Melior, we take pride in finding the most gentle, safe, and effective products so you have one convenient place to find all you need for your home and body. 

Together, we will create small, important changes in our community by cutting down on waste, one refill at a time. 


#Shoplocal #shopsustainably

Natural Bathroom Accessories
Bath Salts and Soap

Sustainable beauty products mix together two of our favorite things - eco-friendly practices and personal care.

The products we carry at Melior are crafted with ethically sourced, natural ingredients, ensuring they are free from harmful chemicals that could damage the environment or your personal health.

By choosing sustainable beauty products, you play a vital role in promoting a more sustainable and ethical industry, contributing to the preservation of the planet for future generations.

Skin Care Lotions

Clean +


"I love that Melior offers an alternative to plastic-laden

dental products. I personally love the bamboo sonicare replacement heads."

Events + Pop-ups

Being a part of the community we serve is important to the team at Melior.  Please reach out to calley at the email below with any inquires. 


Businesses supporting businesses.

Yes, please.

Let's plan a Pop-up! Email below.

Featured Local Brands
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